About Sai Vastu

Vastu Shastra,is an Indian system of architecture, an ancient, omnipresent science of directions and cosmic energies for constructions. This was considered one among 64 streams of Vidyas (Education) in our Educational Heritage. It is a science of placing PanchaBhoothas, the Five Elements of nature, i.e., Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space in the right positions and propositions in the eight directions. The purpose of the Shastra also is to safeguard the structure from any kind of ravages and evil/ill-attacks. In a general sense, a construction built according to Vastu Shastra would be more cozy and comfortable to living.

It is also believed that Vastu shastra regulates four major aspects of our life; Health, Wealth, Relationship and Legal matters. If these are unharmed, one’s life can be pleasant and peaceful.


There are many myths & misunderstandings, misconceptions and wrong notions about Vastu Shastra. Some infamous ones are;

  • Vastu is nothing but Fengshui
  • Vastu is a myth and is a money-making business
  • Jyotishis will have more knowledge and guide on Vastu
  • Vastu is only a religious practice
  • Vastu is a blind belief and evil/ill practice or black magic

Like we consult a Doctor for any health issue, like we consult a Lawyer for any legal issue or like we consult a pundit for any pooja to be done at home, only a Vastu expert will help you in this regard.

Andal Vastu Rules For Residential

Choice of a plot is more important than the construction of the building. It is wise to choose a plot having North East road and avoid a plot having South West road. The Plot and the building should be square or rectangle in shape. There should not be any cut or extension. Construction of building should be towards the South West corner of the plot as it would leave more space on the North and the East.

Andal Vastu Rules

According to Andal Vastu, there are six important rules to be followed to have a better life. They are :

1) Plot and building should be square or rectangle in shape and also there should not be any cut or extension in the plot or building.
2) The level of South West portion should be comparatively higher and the North East portion should be lower.
3) The spacing area of the East must be greater than the West and the spacing area of the North must be greater than the South.

The Main entrance should be North East east or North East north or South East east or North West west. The Interior staircase must be South center or West center and the Exterior staircase must either be on the South East east or South East south or North West west. The path hitting the plot or building should be on the positive direction.

Pooja Room

Most Fortunate And Sacred! Pooja room is one of the fortunate and sacred places of the house, however, this “most fortunate and sacred” room needs to be as per the rules of vastushastram. Once the the pooja room is fixed at the right place and direction, the room automatically starts to attract positivity and becomes more harmonious.

According to Andal Vastu

  Pooja room should be placed in the South East or North West portion of the house. The pooja room must not be located on the North East or on the South West portion and in

  • The Bramasthanam of the house, strictly.
  • Pooja room should be set in a room that faces the East.
  • A separate room for pooja should be avoided.

The pooja room should be set up in such a way that no one stands or walks above the pooja room. For instance, if the pooja room is in the ground floor, you should not walk above it on the first floor, because it is like stepping on god.

Thus, it is good to have a niche on the wall i.e engrave/carve some space in the wall and construct a shelf in the carved area to use for pooja. Idol worship should not be done in the pooja room at home and limited number of photographs is ideal.

When to consult an AndalVastu Expert?

When to consult an AndalVastu expert for constructing a Residential or Commercial Businesses.

  • Before buying land for the House, Shop, Industry, Mall, Apartments, wedding halls, etc., and also while planning initial building plan for the same.
  • Before buying a house or commercial building and also before renting the same.
  • Before buying land or building and also while dividing the lands.
  • Before making renovations to a house.
  • Consult Andal vastu for planning.

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